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Why is it that kids who “misbehave” in class get sent to the guidance office now. Even when I ask that this not be an outlet (having had social workers for years, I fear a guidance counselor “feels” very much the same, and can push back our efforts to normalcy rather than help).
Why, when my son refuses to do work and decides to cry is he allowed to go play the game of “sorry” or “connect four”  in guidance instead?
Newsflash! You just taught my malipulator that he can get out of class and play games instead.
How does this seem like an effective plan…sending kids to play games rather than participate? And why is it done time and again when I’ve asked it not be done?
The fun part for me, is the teacher not following my wishes is actually making her job harder. My world class manipulator has been given an out, and will use it. Which means he will continue to act out in the classroom.